Saturday, December 17, 2011

NACO Research Fellowship scheme

NACO  invites  applications in  prescribed format  from  young  researchers to  provide opportunity and incentive to pursue quality and need based research in HIV/AIDS in bio- medical/clinical, epidemiological, behavioral and social disciplines.

Last Date : 28 December
Eligibility Criteria  :Age: Below 35 years as on 31st December 2011.
For more info login to

Thursday, August 25, 2011

National AIDS Control Organisation

Study :HIV Medicine

National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) in collaboration with Indira Gandhi National Open University (INGOU) is launching a one year PG Diploma in HIV Medicine (PGDHIVM). This programme is aimed to bridge the gap of trained manpower required for HIV care services. NACO will be sponsoring candidates for this course from NACO /SACS/ ART Centres as per criteria. The final selection of sponsored candidates for the programme will be done by a Selection Panel in NACO.
National AIDS Control Organisation:

'via Blog this'

Thursday, August 18, 2011

SOUTH AFRICA: Govt moves to earlier HIV treatment

The recently reported HPTN-052 study showed that starting HIV-positive people on ARVs at CD4 counts of between 350 and 550 reduced their risk of infecting HIV-negative sexual partners by about 96 percent.

But in a country where people continue wait until they get sick to test for HIV, Seedat cautioned that offering ARV treatment earlier is only half the battle.

“The move to a 350 [treatment initiation threshold] is great, especially for people who know their status and want to maintain their own wellness. Our big problem was not that our threshold was too low, but that people are presenting for treatment too late.” 

Link for the details

Friday, August 5, 2011

First HIV gene therapy test.

First HIV gene therapy test and this was conducted in year 2006 almost 5 years back where we are standing  Rates of HIV infection continue to grow, with 4 million new cases worldwide every year. Out of them the youth is at maximum risk and the major part of the sufferer too. The battle continues to be waged even in countries that were previously models of control. Looking at the rate at which the virus is moving the technology has to run faster than the virus to spread in the world.

Circumcision, microbicides and microfinance. These are some of the most promising options being examined as potential ways to prevent AIDS. And here is one more revolutionary treatment in the pipeline.

The first test of a potential new gene therapy for HIV — the virus that causes AIDS — was encouraging enough for researchers to launch a more extensive trial.

"The goal of this phase I trial was safety and feasibility, and the results established that," said lead researcher Dr. Carl June.

In the first phase of study the researchers removed immune cells from the patients and introduced a virus called a lentivirus into the cells. This change prevents HIV from reproducing and, in the laboratory and has the ability to fight HIV in cells that have not been treated,

In addition to showing that the treatment was possible and didn't endanger the patients, the amount of virus in the subjects remained steady or decreased during the study, which involved just five people with chronic HIV infection.

One patient had a sustained decrease in the amount of virus, and immune cells and strength of the immune system increased in four patients during the nine-month study.

This was the first human test to see if it could be done safely, he said. It was done on patients whose HIV infections have resisted treatment.

However A lead researcher conveyed it to the media that though just because this has produced encouraging results in one or two patients doesn't mean it will work for everyone. They still have to work more on it .A long way to go.

But still I find this as a Ray of Hope for the patients. At least they can hope to lead a better life unlike most HIV medications that have to be taken daily or several times a day; this treatment can be done once and will keep fighting the infection.

Whatever will the technology enhancements still it Prevention will always be better then cure.

Let’s hope for the best and make the world free from this virus.
Information Courtesy: online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Till we come up with some thing new on the site lets keep adding
Kriti Trivedi

Monday, May 30, 2011

MP STRC Website Launch

Web site of MPSTRC was launched in its pilot phase with the completion of first Quarter of the training the development of this site will be an ongoing process till we keep growing.
Here users can find the relevant material for the HIDS and HIV under one hub as well as the training calender for the upcoming days and quarters in addition to the inventory of the training photograph and videos .
Please login to and give us your feed back and suggestions on the website.
The web site is now updated with the data and will keep on updating data on the same.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Thematic Training on financial management

MPSTRC started up its first training by Mr.Susheel Yadav on financial management and it has been well conducted for the TI's and the finance officers of the organisations
First Batch for 2 Days : 27th Jan 2011 - 28th Jan 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Interviews Conducted at IIDM ~ STRC MP

Today a Panel of Experts , Doyens of the field of Health and Medical sciences in addition to the people who have dedicated their lifes to the filed of HIV/ AIDS  along with the IIDM Director Dr.S.K.Trivedi  and STRC Training Coordinator Ms. Shraddha Bose  and a Team from MPSACS  have conducted interviews at the IIDM Campus for the Post of  Training Officer at STRC MP. There are 3 vacancies for the post.
Selected candidates will be informed by EOD Today 
All the Best